Archive | January 31, 2014

Whole 30 | Food Log | Day 29

Well yesterday is over. And we are moving on to today… which is the end of the beginning (Day 30 of ?). I am a little bummed that I’ll be riding the cotton pony (sorry fellas) for my last day. I guess I will have to do the weighing and measuring a couple days after the final day, otherwise it won’t show apples to apples progress. Anyway, tonight is a big event for work, so I have to dress up and be cheery through it anyway. I’ll just go bloated.

That’s new my motto.

I’ll just go bloated.

Breakfast | 2 softboiled eggs, sweet potato, mango
No, I wasn’t planning on having a “soft” boiled egg for breakfast. Yes, I originally had 3, but one did not survive the shelling. So, that is what I ended up with. It’s clear that we encountered a batch of the rare “boil resistant” brown eggs. Or, maybe I don’t know how to boil an egg. There seem to be multiple ways, but the way that I am now planning to stick to is this one from Martha Stewart. If I get another soft boiled variety, I may never eat a hard boiled egg again. Which means Easter will really suck. No candy. No eggs. Only pain.

Lunch | Chipotle bowl.
I still love Chipotle. Part of me does miss that rice though. Yummy butter, lime, cilantro rice. I will reintroduce that sometime to see if it messes me up.

Dinner | 4-5oz. Sirloin, fajita veggies, guacamole, sweet potato, and mango.
This is a standard meal for me. Kind of like a fajita with no silly corn or flour shell. I enjoyed it last night. Abby enjoyed watching me eat it all, I think.

Sirloin (5oz ish), peppers and onions, guacamole, sweet potato, mango (not the whole container)

Physical Condition Report [ for women only ]:
I had some terrible cramps last night. One of my hopes was that this eating strategy would help me with my cramps and general monthly misery. So far, relief has not been a by-product of the experiment. Becky is thinking about seeing a hormone specialist. I didn’t even know there were such things, but it seems like the health care industry had changed a lot in the last 10 years or so. Maybe 20. I don’t know. The person she may see is a “DO” which I had to look up (difference between an MD and a DO). Our old Dr. was an Integrative Medicine (?) or something Dr. which is a more holistic approach to medicine. I think. Anyway, seems like a good direction, but I don’t know much about it as you can see. Anyway. I’m still not prengant.

Quote of the Day

I bought a talking refrigerator that said “Oink” every time I opened the door. It made me hungry for pork chops. ~ Marie Mott